
As the warm breeze of summer approaches, it’s a perfect time to explore outdoor activities and enjoy the beauty of the season. For individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI), summer can offer unique opportunities for relaxation, adventure, and connecting with nature. Here are some tips and activities tailored to make the most out of your summer

Read More Enjoying Summer with a Spinal Cord Injury: Activities and Tips

United Spinal’s #StrongWheeled Together campaign is fueled by people power: when our members and partners join forces, we are unstoppable! The campaign showcases the strength of our community when it comes together to achieve goals, demonstrates how United Spinal’s resources and support empower us to live the lives we choose, and raises public awareness of…

Read More Inaugural StrongWheeled Together Conference

Living with a spinal cord injury (SCI) can present unique challenges but should never limit one’s sense of adventure and exploration. Taking a road trip is an exhilarating experience that allows individuals with SCI to break free from routine and embark on a memorable journey. With careful planning and a positive mindset, the open road becomes a gateway to new horizons. This blog post will dive into the top five tips for packing on such an adventure.

Read More Embracing Life on the Open Road: A Road Trip Journey with Spinal Cord Injury

This trip started out like any other – a way to advocate for the disability community.  I planned, I packed, and then I got on the road.  I will talk about my flight experience in a different post, but let’s just say it’s always something new when flying.  But, given what could go wrong, this…

Read More Roll on Capitol Hill 2018

 I just recently had the opportunity (again!) to travel to Washington D.C. on behalf of the Northeast Ohio United Spinal Chapter to take part in an event called Roll on Capitol Hill (Roll). Roll allows participants to talk to congressional leaders about different legislation that affects them on a personal level. This was the 6th…

Read More Roll on Capitol Hill 2017