Power of Positivity

Three weeks ago, I wrote about gratitude and appreciation, since it was Thanksgiving.  Even though Thanksgiving brings out the best in many people, this is something that we should be doing every single day. Therein lies the power of positivity.


I am not a morning person, whatsoever!  I have to get up at 5:30am everyday for work, in order to get showered and ready, and I have my (first) alarm set for 4:45am.  It takes me THAT long to wake up enough to sit up and get out of bed.  Because of this, I started listening to this audible called “Daily Routine Makeover: Morning Edition: Morning Tactics and Strategies to get More Energized, Productive, and Healthy All day” by Zoe McKey.


I’m only about halfway through the book, but it is a good one.  She recommends that in the first 5 minutes of waking up, at whatever time that is, if you repeat a mantra for how you want the day to go, you will be more productive and more energized throughout the whole day.  So, I decided to put that to the test. For the past couple of days, I set my alarm with the mantra of “I feel great & energized! This will be a fantastic day!”  And, let me tell you, I have had just a wee-bit easier of a time getting up.


Before, whenever I woke up, my first thoughts were something like, “Ugh, I don’t want to get up,I don’t want to get out of this nice warm, comfy bed, and I don’t want to go to work.”  Look at all of that negativity!  No wonder why I was having so many bad “emotional” days, and not getting enough accomplished in the day.


Let me tell you about yesterday, because it was amazing!  At work, I helped the majority of my students finish up some work that they have been struggling with, I completed my Progress Notes for the students that I have on IEPs, answered some e-mails, listened to about a half-hour of the book mentioned above, downloaded all of my resources for the week of grad school – PLUS listened to a few things, talked to a few coworkers about different issues, got gas, worked out for a good 2 hours – a GREAT workout (also spending time with friends), meal prepped, cleaned up my kitchen, and a few other little things.  LOOK AT ALL OF THAT!  I didn’t get to sleep until after 10pm – 9pm is usually my bed time, but I had so much energy to complete all of those things.  It was such a productive day, that I want to repeat that again today.  Not to mention, my nutrition was pretty on point AND I drank a gallon of water.


I’m excited to finish up this book in the next couple of days.  I know in a previous post I mentioned the Art of Kaizen – making small changes to lead to a big impact.  Confession: I still need to finish listening to that book.  I get distracted with other things, and a snowball effect happens.  I will get on this, I promise.  But, this idea is true.  If we try to change in huge, monumental ways, chances are, we will get so overwhelmed or frustrated that we will quit.  If we start with small changes, we will more than likely stick with it, and we can build on those changes.  


Yesterday, I also tried something new.  After the students left for the day, during our planning time, I shut my door and took 5 minutes to myself.  During these five minutes I meditated.  I downloaded an app on my phone, a while ago actually, called OMG! I can Meditate.  I usually use this app to help me fall asleep, but yesterday I decided to try another one of their meditations, and it was just 5 minutes long.  It really helped me to recenter myself, refocus, and breath.  Even though breathing is involuntary, we sometimes forget how helpful deep breathing can be.  After just five minutes, I was recharged and ready to keep working.

So, let’s start with the Power of Positivity as your first “small” change.  I am going to continue to start my days with my mantra.  AND, continue to pause, at some point during the day, to take five minutes to meditate.  This time might eventually increase, but for right now, five minutes is all I am devoting.  You don't need a lot of time, you just need to make time.  

Happy Holidays Friends!